The Lost Episode of The Filthy Frank Show

George Miller has become one of the more popular Youtubers in recent years under the name Filthy Frank. What makes him interesting is that he tries as hard as he can to be as offensive and shocking as possible, in which there aren't really that much people that are like him. I also liked his characters such as Pink Guy, Red Dick, Salamander, Chin-Chin, etc... However, there is one video that only a few people have ever seen or even heard of. I found out about it via a status post on Deviantart from a friend who had a habit of linking unlisted videos to the public. Being the proud Frank fag I am, I clicked the link. I wish I hadn't done that. When the page loaded, there was no title, which was odd seeing as how Youtube videos are supposed to have titles. There was no like or dislike button and the view count was missing. There was no description or upload date, the comment section was gone as well. The video opened with Frank bent over crying. His crying sounded more realistic than normal. This lasted for about 25 seconds before Frank looked into the camera. He said "You guys are too much. With all the weeaboos, normies, vegans, sjws, and other cancerous shit, it's too much for me. You fucking faggots should kill yourselves, just like me." I was shocked at what he said. He then grabbed the camera and walked into some room. He then grabbed a real gun out of a box. He then put the camera towards his face, whispered "I should've done this earlier", put the gun in his mouth, and shot himself. The camera fell to the floor. The remaining 2 minutes of the video was just a black screen. I was horrified by what I had seen. I tried watching some other Filthy Frank videos to forget about it, but at the same time, I wanted answers. I tried going back to the video, but it had been deleted and my friend was banned on Deviantart. I will still be unable to look at Filthy Frank the same way again after watching that video.